Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Chimney Leaks! Be Wary of This Common Chimney Problem

You have often heard it from the chimney cleaners to keep your chimney clean and also to get your chimney inspected annually. But is this at all necessary? Let’s delve deep further! If you have noticed some discoloration in your masonry chimney, particularly in the upper portion, then it is certainly a sure sign of excessive water infiltration into the chimney shell. In lay language, its chimney leakage and if not repaired on time, can lead to serious damage.
Let’s face this; chimney flue problems can be disastrous. Well, when the water pipe breaks in your home, it indeed cause huge damage and mess but it’s certainly not the end of the world, but when your chimney flue leaks, it becomes a sure threat to you and your family.
With a leaky wood burning chimney, creosote builds up while reducing the air flow to a great extent. Creosote is extremely flammable and can even lead to dangerous flue fires. And the fact is even small flue fire can dissipate enough heat to damage the inside of the chimney flue. With every How To Maintenance A Flat Roof passing day, this damage worsens, while leading to severe smoke leakage, even in places where you least expect the smoke. With certain types of flues, the smoke then deposits creosote pretty close to the flammable structure of the home. And who knows, the next flue fire could be disastrous!
Chimney leaks are indeed a common problem, which can actually be avoided with proper maintenance and regular upkeep. So, next time before you ignite the fireplace, do a thorough and proper checking.
Check the flashing: Start with checking the flashing around the chimney and by replacing the flashing that’s loose, damaged or missing. Caulk Reclaimed Spanish Roof Tiles the small cracks and leaks and if you feel that there is more extensive damage then it’s better to replace the flashing altogether.
Inspect the mortar joints: Check for any leakage, damage or chipped dents at the brick and mortar joints. You can seal the smaller cracks with the crack sealant, however if there is any larger amount of damage, it’s better to call the professional chimney installation and repairing experts.
Check out the water seal: After you are done with the regular checking or minor upkeeps, check out whether or not your chimney is sill leaking. Use a hose to wet your chimney and if you see that some areas are turning dark and the water is quickly absorbed then there’s fair chance to further water damage. To avoid this you can water proof your chimney with water repellent which is typically designed to avoid masonry chimney leaks.
Install the chimney flue cap: This will indeed ensure safety. The caps are typically designed in protecting the opening in your flue. If and when properly installed, the chimney flue cap can ideally prevent water and debris from entering into the chimney and thus causing the chimney leaks.
Well, there may be nothing wrong with your chimney flue and maybe that’s just working great! But what’s the harm in getting it inspected by professional New Jersey Roofing Contractors and get it cleaned every year! Yes, it can save your life and property.

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