Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

New Roof: Choosing the Right Installer for Your Home

The prospect of installing a new roof causes most homeowners to worry about two things: the cost of the installation, and the reputation of the company that performs the work. As homeowners discover when they open up the phone book or surf the web to find a roofing contractor, there is no shortage of firms wanting your business. Finding a residential roofing company that has superb credentials, however, requires some work on your part. If you are looking for a topnotch roofing contractor, below are indications that a contractor is worth hiring.

Licensed, Bonded, and Insured

A contractor that is licensed, bonded, and insured demonstrates three things:

It is licensed to operate Roofing Sheets Metal as a contractor

It will compensate the customer Roofing Scripts for stolen items

It will compensate the customer for property damage or personal injury, and protect the customer from being sued by injured workers

When a firm is unlicensed, unbonded, or uninsured, it is too risky to hire, now matter how low its rates are.

Has the Right Experience

Most roofing contractors specialize in installing certain roof systems. Before you hire a contractor, be sure that it specializes in the type of system you need. Although a contractor may be capable of installing the system, if it does not have experience installing it, your chances of receiving a poor job installation job increase significantly. A minimum of two years of experience with your type of roof is recommended.

Strong References

A residential roofing company that has strong references is preferable to one with weak references or no references. Unlike some parts of a house, a roof serves utilitarian purposes: it helps the house maintain an internal climate, and it prevents water from leaking through the ceiling. When a roof fails at either of these tasks, the failure is obvious. Consequently, the references of a contractor usually offer a fair estimation of its work. Just be sure to speak to enough references to make an adequate appraisal of the prospective contractor’s service quality.

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Good Record at the Better Business Bureau

A contractor’s record at the Better Business Bureau (BBB) sheds light on how its customers feel about its services. Contractors that offer poor service often have a series of unresolved customer complaints in their record, whereas contractors who put the needs of customers first resolve complaints as soon as they are made.

Makes a Reasonable Bid

In the minds of homeowners, the most reasonable bid is the one that lets them spend the least money. However, an unusually low bid may indicate more than the opportunity to save money; it may also indicate that the firm is desperate for work, which is not a good sign. Businesses that make low bids are often unlicensed, unbonded, uninsured, or they have a bad service record.


Homeowners are careful about the type of new roof they install on their home. They should also be careful about the kind of residential roofing company they hire to install it. In most cases, a contractor that possesses the characteristics above is safe to hire for a roofing job.

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