Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

Several Ways to Enjoy Curtain Tie Backs

Several Ways to Enjoy Curtain Tie Backs

Simply put, curtain tie backs are among the perfect accessories to use when you want your room and window treatment to look elegant. These pieces can be used to hold your drapes on the sides of the window to allow more light into the room. At the same time, they never fail to add some touch of class to the curtains.

Factors to Put up with when Picking out the Tie Backs

Selecting the tie involve several factors. One is the size. Look at how thick the fabric is. The tiny tie backs give the impression of a somehow strangled-looking curtain. However, a very big one lets the curtains droop. Prior to choosing, it is necessary that you first install the rod then the curtain. Afterwards, you have to take the exact measurement and consult with a designer or a salesperson who knows the tie back sizes well enough. Remember that your goal is to let your curtains be firmly held in place while allowing them to look elegant as they drape.

The next factor to look into is your budget. How much are you willing to spend? Take time to shop around for the best ones and never compromise the design and quality with the price. Some people tend to save and think of paying too little. As a result, the quality and appearance of the room are sacrificed.

Then, you have the styles and materials to consider. Among the popular options for you to choose from include the plain or braided tasseled tier which are best for those heavy draperies or the silky ropes that exude a grand look, the beaded tie backs, crystal tie backs, and the glass tie backs.

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A Number of Ways to Complete Your Curtain’s Look

There are actually a number of ways on how you can achieve a brand new look for your curtains. One of which is by using the curtain tie backs and employing several other techniques to hold the drapes in them.

Use the high tie for holding two panels. Put one higher than the other to create that “open appearance”.

The middle tie is utilized at the mid portion of the curtain panels. Place the tie back a bit below or above.

Use the center tie at the exact middle portion of the curtain and pull the panels back.

The low tie is exactly the contrast of the high tie. Put it just below the middle of the curtain.

For some overlapping curtain panels, use the crisscrossed tie. Pull the outside panel on one side and pull the other one inside.

One or two curtains can be elegantly draped with the angled tie. The curtain that is used is the one that is tied high above the window. Meanwhile, the opposite side should be tied lower than that. Also, puff it out for some billowy effect.

These methods of using the tie backs apply both for informal and formal styles. They can be used either in the living room, dining room, or bedroom.

So, experiment with your curtain hold back and achieve that elegant look for your own home!

By master

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