Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

The Very Latest Developments in Roofing Materials

Over the last two decades there have been numerous developments in new roofing materials. Products that not only last longer, but are in fact more affordable when their lengthier lifespan is taken into consideration.
The Big Buzz About Metal
Metal roofing has been generating a huge buzz for about two decades, and in recent years that buzz has only continued to grow Door Knocking Sales Tips even louder. Not only do today’s metal roofs last longer than those of the past, but they’re also far more decorative.
A 100 Year Roof?
In fact you can now even find this style of roof that resembles shingle, and tile, complete with rough surface texture. Amazingly, some contractors will even guarantee this style of roof for up to 50 years. By the way, they’re rated to last up to 100 years.
New Polymer Roofing Materials
New cold application polymer products are giving older style hot tar roofs a run for their money. Now these high tech products are more expensive than asphalt, but they last longer, and are far more impervious to leaks caused by cracking.
New Cold Application Polymers
Polymers are two substances that have to be mixed together prior to application. Polymers tend to be far more durable, and bond better with patching materials when they do need to be repaired. Lastly, these cold application products are far safer to use.
Roof Coatings that Work
Roof coatings have seen an explosion in technological developments. One area in particular worth noting, is new synthetic rubber coating products that adhere to a far wider range of materials, deaden sound, and insulate better.
Lighter Products Bring Roof Design Pictures More Options
Product engineers have also made great strides in creating lighter roofing materials. What this means, is that home, and business owners who in the past may have found themselves limited by the structural strength of their buildings, now have a far broader range of products to choose from.

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