Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

Upgrade Your Attic Insulation the Easy Way

The one biggest common problem that people in general have with attic insulation, is the very fact that it’s up up in their attic. Attics you see, are hot dark scary places that are full of cobwebs, and who knows what kinds of awful creatures.
You May Not Even Have Timber Flat Roof Detail Any Attic Insulation!
This is why most people never even consider opening the hatch in their closet ceiling, let alone climbing up there, and risking some sort of calamity It’s also the very same reason that some people are completely unaware that they don’t even have any insulation up there. None at all!
25% of Your Energy Costs Just Floating Away
You see, insulation wasn’t even required in new homes in the U.S. until the early 1960s. Even then, after they did make it mandatory, the building code stipulated that only R19 was required in the attic. This is precisely why you can be up to code, and still have 25% of your energy costs floating away through your ceiling.
If R30 Sounds Like a Lot How About R60?
As it stands today, more progressive new custom home builders who strive to stay up to date, install enough insulation in their new homes French Roof Tiles For Sale to deliver an R30 rating. Does that sound like a lot? Well would you believe that some people are beefing up their attics to R60?
The Fastest and Easiest Home Improvement You Can Do
The real irony, is that of all the home improvements that a person can do, increasing the R rating in that huge open space above their ceiling is the easiest, and fastest of them all. They have the bales of cellulose insulation you need at the hardware store, and they’ll even let you use the blower for free.
The Benefits Just Keep Piling Up
Not only that, but cellulose insulation is incredibly cheap, and once the job is done you get to reap your savings beginning with the next utility bill. Finally, a well insulated home is a far more comfortable home to live in, and with less strain on your air conditioning unit, it will be less prone to break downs, and also last longer.
Go Climb Up a Ladder and Have a Look Around
So the very first thing that you can do to get you going in the right direction, is to climb up a ladder and take a good look at your attic insulation. Be brave! Take a good flashlight, and 3 foot long stick to “swoosh” the cobwebs out of the way and you’ll be fine. Go ahead! Climb up in it and have a look around.

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