Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Designer Curtain Poles – When Looks Are Everything

Designer Curtain Poles – When Looks Are Everything

Are you someone who likes to add a little “designer” to life? Designer clothes, designer furniture, designer radiators even? Well perhaps a drop of designer DIY will suit you very nicely!

Curtain poles are often considered the workhorse of the interior design world and are often not given enough credit, largely because the role they play goes largely unnoticed. “Oh, I love your curtains, they are so so beautiful, where did you get them, I love the colour!” If inanimate objects were not so inanimate and had feelings, I am fairly sure that the poor old poles would certainly feel particularly slighted.

After all, without the curtain poles, the curtains themselves would be unable to display their splendour in peacock style, they would simply be a crumpled mess of material on the floor.

Someone must have taken pity on curtain poles because they are staging a fight back (or hold back?) and getting all designer on us! That’s right; no longer do the curtains need to be the only belle at the ball because your curtain poles can be beautiful too!

Designer curtain poles are now widely available through curtain and DIY emporiums and there are a huge variety to choose from, allowing you to choose your curtain poles to not only blend correctly with your curtains, but also the whole look of your room or home!

Going for something modern, trendy or even futuristic, then perhaps something metal and angular will be the order of the day. Or maybe, you are modelling your home in a period style and need curtain tracks to match the old fashioned and classical feel, then perhaps you need curtain tracks that show off curves and maybe a wooden finish would suit this better, or could you just be going for bold and vibrant splashes of colour that really will make a statement when your neighbours come over for coffee or a meal. Once again, you will certainly be able to find designer curtain poles to suit.

As with any shopping and important decision, it is important to take your time, browse and shop around until you get that feeling, that you know exactly which curtain accessories you want and which ones will be perfect in each different room.

Doing your DIY shopping online may provide you with a way to make good decisions in a comfortable and unpressured way, ensuring great results!

By master

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