Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Interesting Facts About Clay Roofing Tiles

Building terra-cotta was used in ancient Egypt in second millennium BC and has quickly gained popularity around the world, thanks to relatively simple method of manufacturing and excellent quality. Today, walking through the oldest European cities, we don’t cease wondering the charm of roofs where it adorns. Clay roof tiles are universally recognized nowadays as well, despite of huge selection of thatching products – polymeric, bitumen, metal, composite, etc. perhaps because, even not considering its quality, possesses distinctive allure, which it gives to entire house.
This covering’s advantages make very long list. Clay roofing tiles are highly resistant to any weather conditions, have excellent heat and sound insulating properties. Natural tiling is not deformed or destructed at temperature drops, and has high resistance to frost. It does not change color and texture under intense solar radiation. Still, terracotta shade of genuine tile-work may change as a result of atmospheric factors. This is connected with higher porosity of unglazed shingles well as with different degrees of each individual planch permeability. Consequently, for example, during the rainfall there may occur diversities in tinctures of clay shine laid on single batter. However, after drying, coating’s color becomes homogeneous is not an isolated phenomenon, but characteristic of all inartificial red shingles of various production. Customer should take this fact into account. In order to achieve uniform surface color in all weathers, housetop should be covered with vitreous tile.
Architectural terra-cotta is a leader by longevity life. Without requiring repair it will protect your home for several decades. This is environmentally friendly, flame-proof (non-combustibility, high fire resistance) roofing material. Due to superior decorative qualities (large How To Market A Roofing Company selection of colors and patterns), natural ceramic shingles look equally good both on renovated buildings presenting historical value, and on new constructions. Performance specifications include high transverse strength, low moisture absorption and water-tightness.
Being rather heavy-weight thatching, earthenware tile-work requires powerful truss system. Can the solid-core plank covering be applied for laying stoneware tiling? Typically it is assembled on grating made of scantlings and counter-scantlings. This solution is much less expensive than continuous plank deck covered with tar felt (rigid base), because its construction requires less material. Nevertheless it doesn’t exclude tile’s installation method on solid ducks coated with bitumen felt. On the housetop having pitch inclination less than 22A� continuous plank sheathing is virtually necessary. Experts from “General Builder” give specific recommendations both towards framework, on which clay roofing tiles should be placed, and towards methods described in installation instructions.
Modern manufacturers produce a wide range of finishing accessories contributing qualitative laying of natural porcelain roof. Today, when purchasing ceramic tile, you can buy all appropriate finishing materials: laced valleys, branch pieces for technical drainages and fixing supporting girders, antennas, ridge slate and many other Roofing Companies things i.e. complete set of functional and decorative items for constructing fully functional structure for roofs of any complexity: with penthouses or lofts and without them, convex ones, with butted, concave surfaces, etc. All these features give almost unlimited possibilities for application of clay roof tiles in construction.

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