Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Curtain Tieback Designs and Styles

Curtain tiebacks and curtain holdbacks come in a wide array of styles and designs. To begin with, we will designate the difference between the two. Curtain holdbacks are usually pieces of hardware that can be mounted on a wall in a strategic place in conjunction with the drapery, or more commonly act as a free unit that is placed on the area of the drapes where they will be held back. On the other hand, curtain tiebacks are pieces of rope or woven string usually manufactured with polyester that act as a tie for the drapery. You can find these either as free units purchased separately from the drapery system itself or as part of the drapery system initially.

The combination of both these styles offers an endless array of options for consumers to choose from in finding the perfect accent for their drapery.

Curtain Tieback Styles

Curtain tiebacks are somewhat limited in general designs. As typically, they consist of a woven rope of various lengths with a knot tied at the end, usually with tassels protruding from the other end. However, the different styles that can be incorporated into this seemingly simple design are many.

Pattern Styles

Pattern Styles are a very popular choice in tiebacks. The main reason for this is their versatility in working well into pre-existing themes. In terms of the patterns available, there are many; among some of the most popular are binary colored tiebacks consisting of two different colors woven together, usually colors that will complement each other well. The other popular choice consists of a solid colored curtain tieback that exhibits one bold neutral based color, with a variation of tassel colors that differ from the color of the rope.

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Beaded Styles

Beaded styles have become more popular over the past few years. These styles consist of a single bead over the knot at the end of the rope exhibiting a variance of designs. A second equally popular beaded choice is the incorporation of beads into the tassels themselves, offering more dimensions and a more unique look than just the single knot bead.

Aside from the more mainstream styles, you can also customize curtain tiebacks to your own liking. Whether you have it done professionally, or dabble in your own creations. Since the general design principle of these wonderful accessories is so basic, they can be created out of typical items that you can find around your house. It is very simple to create curtain tiebacks out of items you have simply just sitting around the house.

In all, these wonderful accessories may be taking a backseat to holdbacks due to the extreme push towards contemporary; however, they are far from going out of style.

By master

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